What some of our clients have to say...

We provide some wonderful clients with accountancy and financial services. See what they think here.


“I can definitely recommend Marele Accountancy for a wide range of challenging business tasks, especially where a quick understand of the underlying issues is involved, prior to driving towards a successful conclusion.”

Roger Dewell
Infinite Orbits

“Marele Accountancy worked for Grafton for a number of years as financial controller. We found that they were extremely competent having joined the company at a difficult time and managing a re-organisation of the financial department.”

John Harris
Grafton Technology

“Marele Accountancy are great at dealing with difficult situations and are fantastic problem solvers. I recommend them to anyone looking to hire a good financial controller with a good management background.”

Richard Bennett
Sealpac UK

“Marele Accountancy's service is superb... Very good value for money and they genuinely have their clients best interests at heart... Highly recommended.”

Alan Sanford
Cloudbase Media Ltd

“Marele Accountancy were instrumental in the establishing of the accounts department during my time at Capital Living. Their work at all times was both exact and very efficient. Marele Accountancy retains a balance of determination and attention to detail but are a delight to work with.”

Roy Goff
Asset & Capital Investments Ltd

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